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When is mother’s day in the UK and why is it different to the US

Other countries celebrate their version of Mother’s Day on different dates: many of my friends from different countries celebrate their Mother’s Day on different dates to both the UK and the USA.

Why is Mother’s Day in the UK different?

In the UK don’t have “Mother’s Day”; although it’s popularly referred to as Mother’s Day, due to American influence, the correct term is “Mothering Sunday”, which began as a religious festival in the Middle Ages and is many hundreds of years older than the purely secular and commercial Mother’s Day, celebrated in the USA and some other countries.

Mothering Sunday falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent and is observed in many Anglican and Catholic communities in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland.

Day in the UK is always held on the fourth Sunday of Lent, because this was Christians would visit their ‘mother church’, which is also why we often refer to it as Mothering Sunday. Other countries like the US specifically refer to the day as Mother’s Day and theirs wasn’t founded through religion. Some Catholic countries based the day on Virgin Mary Day, while other’s hold there’s on International Women’s Day. Various countries followed the same date as the United States, and the time that they celebrate is one of the most common around the world.

The UK’s Mother’s Day always falls on the fourth Sunday during the period of Lent, Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, March 22th, 2020.

Mother’s Day didn’t become a yearly practice in the United States until the early 20th century. Mothering Sunday in the US is an annual holiday held on the second Sunday in May (10th,2020), so the date slightly varies each year. Mother’s Day in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and Belgium are the same.

In the UK, the tradition of Mother’s Day is now very similar to its American counterpart, but its origins are different, as the day commemorates returning to your mother church on the fourth Sunday in Lent.

Many people send cards or gifts to their mother or mother figure or make a special effort to visit her. Common Mother’s Day gifts are flowers, chocolate, candy, clothing, jewelry and treats, such as a beauty treatment or trip to a spa.

Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal in a restaurant or other treats to their mother and mother figures, including grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, and foster mothers.

Some families organize an outing for all of their members or hold a special meal at home or in a restaurant. In the days and weeks before Mother’s Day, many schools help their pupils to prepare a handmade card or small gift for their mothers.

If you have not yet chosen a greeting card for your Mother’s Day to suit their interests, then use popup cards to give them, this is a great suggestion that will bring them joy and impression. 3D pop-up cards are a type of greeting card inside that has a paper model crafted and neatly arranged, every time you open the card, the model will appear.

The best types of popup cards for mothers’ day are flower popup card or animal popup cards (if they love animals) like this below
Love 3D box

popup card for valentine

The popup cards are suitable to give on any occasion of the year and can be used as an indoor decoration, you can place it on a bookshelf or table.

Referents: timeanddate.com; inews.co.uk;

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